"I Was Such A Fool"/"Midnight"
by The Five Budds
on Rama RR-1
released in 1953
(Rama Clipping From March 1953) |
(Rama Clipping From April 1953) |
EXTRA AUDIO (Windows Media Player):
Listen to "I Guess It's All Over Now" - The Five Budds - Rama RR-2 - 1953.
This second record on Rama is also The Five Budd's last, apparently never to be heard from again in the recording world. The label has the correct spelling of Bert Keyes' name, incorrectly shown as "Keys" on Rama RR-1.
Did "Rama" come from the suffix rama, meaning expanse or grandeur, as in panorama? That would seem to fit the design of the label.
(Rama Clipping From June 1953) |
Above Left: George and Sam Goldner. George owned and operated the Rama label. His cousin, Sam, helped in establishing this new label.Above Middle: Bert Keyes, who was Musical Director for the Rama label.
Above Right: Joe Kolsky, who acquired a 50% interest in the Rama label in November 1955.
Tico was Rama's parent label. Gee was the affiliated label. Other labels owned later by George Goldner were Gone, End, Cindy, Juanita, Lunaverse, Mark-X, Regal, Roulette, and Tee Gee.
Trade Magazine Article:
Associated Artist Co. New Management Firm
NEW YORK, Aug. 15, 1953—Formation of a new management firm was announced here this week by Bob Lilley, George Goldner, Gene Gammon and George Douris. First artists inked by the firm are Tedd Lawrence and his ork and the Tune Timers. who have already recorded sides for Rama Records, associated label of mambo-slanted Tico Records. The new enterprise is called the Associated Artist Company.The Billboard (June 9, 1956): Now that their Gee label is off and winging, George Goldner and Joe Kolsky are injecting new blood into their Rama operation. Last week they signed a new group, the Pretenders, and a blues singer, Mabel King. The Pretenders were all members of other recording groups, but Miss King will be cutting her first disks for the label. She hails from Charleston, S.C.
Above: Label image of Rama RR-1. This is Rama's first record. The second is The Five Budds' "I Guess It's All Over Now." Rama's third features Viola Watkins backed up by The Crows ("Seven Lonely Days")... the flip is The Crows backed up by Viola's piano playing ("No Help Wanted"). Rama's fourth is by Bert Keyes and his Trio. Then came Rama's big hit, "Gee", by The Crows.Vocal groups with releases on Rama (1953-1956) include The Five Budds, Crows, Buccaneers, Drifters (not the Atlantic group), Blue Notes, Wrens, Bells, Bell Tones, Valentines, Batchelors, Five Encores, Continentals, Joytones, Four Chaps, Pretenders, Harptones, Rainbows, Rhythm Jesters, and Heartbeats.
Trade Magazine Article:
Goldner Sets Rama, New Tico Subsidiary
NEW YORK, Feb. 14, 1953—George Goldner, general manager of Tico Recording, Inc., Latin American and mambo diskery, has activated Rama Records, a new label which will specialize in r.&b. and jazz wax. Goldner, who also heads the new enterprise, has taken on vibist-arranger Bert Keyes as musical director. First group signed by Rama is the Five Budds, a vocal combo managed by Cliff Martinez. Their first platter, coupling “Midnight" and "I Was Such a Fool,” has just been released by Tico Distributing, thru which Rama disks will be promoted to retailers. The label expects to sign other talent soon.Baltimore Afro-American (Feb. 17, 1953): NEW YORK—Bert Keyes has been named musical director of Rama Records, a new waxery. The Five Budds, a vocal group, made the first pressings last week of four sides.
The Billboard Review (3/7/53):
Midnight (77) Label bows in the r&b field here as an adjunct of the Tico Latin-American diskery. The bow is an auspicious one as they come up with a strong group in the Budds and a big-beat ork led by Bert Keys. Material is good enough to bear some watching. Group could get going after a few more disk sessions.
I Was Such A Fool (72) Pop-like ballad is handed a good run-thru by the group. Even if the disk doesn't break big, it could start a little action on the song.(The Five Budds were honored with the first two records released on the Rama label, received a good review of their first, and then disappeared into oblivion!)
(NOTE: A ratings range of 70-79 was considered "good.")
Listen to this week's selections by The Five Budds on Rama RR-1 from 1953:
[Audio restoration by Dave Saviet.][To download audio files, right-click on link and then select "Save (Link) Target As..."]
1. I Was Such A Fool
2. Midnight
BOTH played in sequenceB. Download RealAudio...
1. I Was Such A Fool
2. MidnightC. Stream/Download Media Player...
1. I Was Such A Fool
2. Midnight
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